Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Julia Child Fail

Let’s start out by stating that I hate the kitchen. I can’t cook and cooking hates me. My husband always says that if he weren’t here, I wouldn’t eat at all. Actually I would, I would just live off cheese sticks, cookies and granola bars. However, with the New Year, I decided to start being in the kitchen more. Last week I made two actual dinners that weren’t premade/frozen dinners and almost every day I made a green smoothie. Yay!

So, feeling a bit confident, I decided to make an omelet this morning. I should start off by saying, I have never eaten an omelet. Well, after whipping the eggs like Meredith (Sarah Jessica Parker) in The Family Stone – fast, fast, fast -  until it was beautifully frothy, I cooked the spinach and some salsa (I didn’t have tomatoes) and then removed the mix, added the eggs, cooked them for a few seconds, added the mix, cooked for a minute, flipped the egg in half and watched it break apart like it would with a newbie cook. Still, this was okay. It is my first omelet after all. I flipped my newly made breakfast onto a plate, poured myself some Apple juice, feeling super excited and chef-life, until I took my first bite. I had a good idea about my meal after my taste buds cringed with the first bit of action, but I worked so hard, I had to take one more bite. Then I dumped the rest into the trashcan, grabbed four cookies and called breakfast done.

Julia Child would have chastised me for not whipping up some more eggs, Meredith style and trying again. And honestly, anything else would have been better than sugary cookies for breakfast. It’s a fail, but not epic and I’ll make a green smoothie, that from my daughter’s request, I had to have my husband show me how to make it “yummy”. Apparently, the green part was not her favorite, but with some experiments, we made it work. Either way, breakfast sucked, but cooking isn’t my thing and I’m working on it. So there.

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